Hypericum ascyron (Great St. John’s Wort)

Growing Conditions

  • Light Requirement: Sun, Part Shade, Shade
  • Soil Moisture: Moist, Wet
  • Native Habitat: Moist places; stream banks; thickets; rich woods, Moist soils

Landscape size: 3-5′ tall, Up to 6 feet

Bloom Color: Yellow

Bloom Time: Jun, Jul, Aug

Recognized by pollination ecologists as attracting large

numbers of native bees. Other species include the caterpillars of the moths: Eupithecia miserulata (Common Pug), Melanchra assimilis (Black Arches), Synchlora aerata (Wavy-Lined Emerald), Hyppa xylinodes (Common Hyppa), Nedra ramosula (Gray Half-Spot), and Agonopterix hyperella (Oecophorid Moth sp.).

The caterpillars of the butterfly Strymon melinus (Gray Hairstreak) feed on the developing capsules and seeds.
